
The Otto Graf Foundation

In 1981, on the occasion of the 100th birthday of Prof. Dr.-Ing. E.h. Graf, the Federal Association of the German Cement Industry established the Otto Graf Foundation (Otto-Graf-Stiftung) at the FGSV.

The foundation presents the Otto Graf Award to experts who have made an outstanding contribution to the construction of concrete roads and the Concrete Infrastructure Young Talents Award, which is presented to highly promising young professionals who have done excellent work in the field of concrete road construction.


Dipl.-Ing. Stephan V i l l a r e t, Hoppegarten (2020)

Dipl.-Ing. Janette K l e e, Hohen Neuendorf (2018)

Dr.-Ing. Norbert E h r l i c h, Düsseldorf (2016) (posthum)

Dipl.-Ing. Dittmar M a r q u o r d t, Halberstadt (2014)

Dipl.-Ing. Bernd D i e n i n g, Werder (Havel) (2012)

Dr.-Ing. Randolf A n g e r, Hoppegarten (2010)

Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rolf B r e i t e n b ü c h e r, Bochum (2008)

Dipl.-Ing. Uwe B i e l e n b e r g, Kiel (2006)

Dr.-Ing. Walter F l e i s c h e r, München (2004)

Dipl.-Ing. Hans-Jürgen F r a n k e, Hannover (2002)

Ltd. BDir. a.D. Reinhard G r ü n i n g, München (2002)

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Günther L e y k a u f, München (2000)

Dr.-Ing. Alf V o l l p r a c h t, Köln (1998)

Dr.-Ing. Lissi P f e i f e r, Berlin (1996)

Dir. und Prof. Franz-Otto S c h u s t e r, Bergisch Gladbach (1994)

Dipl.-Ing. Alexander v o n W i l c k e n, München (1992)

Prof. Dr. techn. Rupert S p r i n g e n s c h m i d, München (1990)

Ltd. RBDir. Dipl.-Ing. Karl-Heinz E n g e l m a n n, Neumünster (1988)

Obering. Theodor M o s s, Großhansdorf (1986)

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Josef E i s e n m a n n, München (1984)

MR Dr.-Ing. Heinrich L ö w e n b e r g, Hannover (1982)


Mit dem "Förderpreis Verkehrsbau" wurden ausgezeichnet:

Techn. BFStrR Rüdiger Z i e n e r, Nürnberg (2021)

Dipl.-Ing. Ingmar B o r c h e r s, Düsseldorf (2019)

Dr.-Ing. Sebastian K u n z, Herten (2018)

Dipl.-Ing. Martin L a n g e r, München (2015)

Dr.-Ing. Jochen E i d, München (2013)

Dipl.-Ing. Jens S k a r a b i s, München (2011)

Dipl.-Ing. Thomas W o l f, München (2009)

Dipl.-Ing. Jürgen H u b e r, Sengenthal (2007)

Dipl.-Ing. Anka F r e n t z e l – S c h i r m a c h e r, Weimar (2005)

Dipl.-Ing. Thomas T e i c h m a n n, Kassel (2003)

Dr.-Ing. Stephan F r e u d e n s t e i n, München (2001)

Dipl.-Ing. Christian S o d e i k a t, München (1999)

Dr.-Ing. Bernhard L e c h n e r, München (1997)

Dr.-Ing. Walter E g e r, München (1995)

Dr.-Ing. Walter F l e i s c h e r, München (1993)

Dipl.-Ing. Christiane D o t z e n r a t h, Ratingen (1991)

Dr.-Ing. Andres Z a c h l e h n e r, Oberschleißheim (1989)

Dipl.-Ing. Hans-Jürgen F r a n k e, Hannover (1987)

ORR Dipl.-Ing. Peter S u l t e n, Bergisch Gladbach (1985)

Dr.-Ing. Peter G r ü b l, München (1983)

Dr.-Ing. Dieter B i r m a n n, München (1981)