
Feuchtinger / Wehner Foundation

The Max Erich Feuchtinger Foundation (Max-Erich-Feuchtinger-Stiftung) was founded in 1970 with the aim of honouring those who had done outstanding academic and practical work in the field of planning, designing, and operating urban and rural roads.

In 1974, the foundation was renamed the Max-Erich-Feuchtinger-/Bruno-Wehner-Stiftung.
Since then, the following people have been honoured by this foundation:


Dr.-Ing. Heather K a t h s, München (2020)

Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing.Carsten S o m m e r, Kassel (2018)

Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Justin G e i s t e f e l d t, Bochum (2016)

Dr.-Ing. Matthias Z i m m e r m a n n, Karlsruhe (2014)

Dr.-Ing. Michael M. B a i e r, Aachen (2012)

RDir'in Dr.-Ing. Kerstin L e m k e, Bergisch Gladbach (2010)

Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian L i p p o l d, Dresden (2008)

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Markus F r i e d r i c h, Stuttgart (2006)

Dr.-Ing. Martin F e l l e n d o r f, Karlsruhe (2004)

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernhard F r i e d r i c h, Hannover (2002)

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen G e r l a c h, Wuppertal (2000)

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Manfred B o l t z e, Darmstadt (1998)

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Kay W. A x h a u s e n, Innsbruck (1996)

Dr.-Ing. Fritz B u s c h, München (1994)

Dr.-Ing. Manfred B r e n n e r, Aalen (1992)

Dr.-Ing. Ulrich B r a n n o l t e, Karlsruhe (1990)

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner B r i l o n, Bochum (1988)

Ltd. RDir. Dipl.-Ing. Gert H a r t k o p f, Bergisch Gladbach (1986)

Dr.-Ing. Heinz Z a c k o r, Stuttgart (1984)

Dr.techn. Jörg S c h ö n h a r t i n g, Stuttgart (1982)

Dr.rer.nat. Manfred W e r m u t h, München (1980)

Dir. und Prof. Dr.-Ing. Karl-Heinz L e n z, Köln (1978)

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Friedrich J a c o b s, Stuttgart (1976)

StBDir. Dr.-Ing. Dirk Hans-E. H o e f s, Kiel (1974)


Die Max-Erich-Feuchtinger-Denkmünze wurde verliehen an:

BDir. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang T e i c h g r ä b e r, Hamburg (1972)

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gerd S t e i e r w a l d , Wien/Stuttgart (1970)