FGSV services for representatives of professional associations
As an independent, multidisciplinary network of excellence and member of the World Road Association (PIARC), FGSV is your link to all the key players in the German road and transport sector: from politics and public authorities to planning, private business, media, and up-and-coming professionals. We are your direct contact for all questions and can provide you with both information relating to roads and transport and put you in contact with people who can help. We also give you the opportunity to represent the interests of your members at events and in the various organs of the association, to actively work with us on technical standards and specifications, and to use the content of FGSV's technical standards and specifications in your own regulations.
Heidrun Gessinger
Phone: +49 (0) 221 9 35 83-14
Work with us on technical standards and specifications
In order to ensure that the technical standards and specifications we are drafting are balanced, we rely on the co-operation of representatives from the most varied sectors and fields of interest in the road and transport sector. As the voice of your association, you can provide valuable input, ideas and perspectives, thereby making our committees and working groups more diverse. We hope you will accept our invitation to work with us. Alternatively, why not support the FGSV as a member and enjoy the additional benefits of membership?
Become a member of our strong community
FGSV membership
Benefit from the sharing of knowledge and reduced rates for technical standards and specifications and events.
Become a memberIdeas for your association's work: the FGSV newsletter
What are the hot topics in the road and transport sector? Are there any new technical standards and specifications? Which road and transport event should you not miss? For all this and more, sign up for our newsletter to make sure that you are up to date on all the latest topics, publications and events.