FGSV services for engineers
The FGSV is your neutral specialist contact for all questions relating to specific tasks and problems in the road and transport sector. We offer you concrete assistance when it comes to interpreting the nuances and details of technical standards and specifications relating to your projects. We also help by putting you in touch with people with whom you can discuss other issues and by broadening your knowledge beyond the expertise you need for your day-to-day work at a wide range of roads- and transport-related events. We would also like to invite you to share your practical experience with us by becoming a member of one of the FGSV committees/groups that work on technical standards and specifications.
Helping you solve work-related problems
In your work, you will often come up against problems. Hearing what an expert has to say on the matter can often save you a lot of time. We'll put you in touch with someone who can help, support you throughout the process, and provide direct assistance in the event of difficulties regarding the interpretation of technical standards and specifications. Just give us a call!
Always up to date with the FGSV newsletter
What are the hot topics in the road and transport sector? Are there any new technical standards and specifications? Which road and transport event should you not miss? For all this and more, sign up for our newsletter to make sure that you are up to date on all the latest topics, publications and events.